Repaso del examen Comptia PenTest PT0–002

Edgardo Trujillo
3 min readMay 23, 2022


Para sacar tu certificación de Comptia PT0–002, tienes que pagar $$, y no quieres fallar pues tendrias que volver a pagar. Aquí te dejo estos 100 conceptos de seguridad, que te los tienes que saber antes de cojer el examen.

  1. VLAN HOPPING — Switch Spoffing, double tagging
  2. Kerberoasting
  3. DOS Attack
  4. Buffer Overflow
  5. Bluejacking
  6. SQL Injection
  7. Credential Harvesting
  8. Tailgating vs Piggybacking
  9. aireplay -ng -5 -b
  10. FOCA — Metadata within the document
  11. RDP Port 3389 — LDAP 389
  12. Dumspter diving
  13. (SOW) Statement of Work — Timelines , schedule, Price, Excluded Hosts
  14. Microsoft Remote Procedure Call(MSRPC) — Enumerate all user accounts
  15. Karma attack, Evil Twin Attack
  16. De-Escalation
  17. Nikto
  18. OWASZAP — web app scanner
  19. Nessus
  20. Systemd — Apple OSX — Persistence Every Reboot
  21. OSINT(Open Source Intelligence Tools) — Maltego & Shodan
  22. Mimikatz — Credential Testing Tool
  23. Steganography — SNOW
  24. CVSS base score of 10
  25. Hydra — Used to perform credential brute force attack
  26. CHCONFIG — Persistence in Linux Service
  27. Cookie Enumeration — Set “User” cookie = 138298432 (some random 9 digit value)
  28. dsquery -o -rdn -limit 21 — has not authenticated to the domain in 21 days
  29. Swagger — API TESTING
  30. Sticky bits — CHMOD 4111
  31. BPA for Business Partnership Agreement
  32. String Slicing
  33. Biometric device is tuned more toward false positives
  34. (ICS) Industrial Control System
  35. Responder — Impersonate Network Resource and collect authentication request.
  36. Scope Creep
  37. Sanitize all user input & whitelist approach fro SQL statements.
  38. Mimikatz — To pull credentials from AD.
  39. 135,139,445, Which operating system it is?
  40. Empire- Run powershell agents without requiring the use of powershell.exe
  41. Cross-site request forgery
  42. Cross-site scripting
  43. NTFS Alternate Data Streams
  44. Which entities would be the proper signing authority penTest, when we are in AWS?
  45. %40 is the hex symbol for @
  46. Swagger Document — Rest API equivalent of a WSDL
  47. Unsecure SUDO vulnerability- /usr/bin/sudo should be 4411 a not 4111
  48. Metrics — Are a method of measuring something over time
  49. %27 %27 Translate to two single quote marks
  50. Wireless Geographic Logging Engine (WiGLE) — wardriving database
  51. SCAPY — Packet Crafting Tool
  52. IPV6 Broadcast Address FF02::1
  53. NAC Bypass
  54. Cold Boot Attack — or to a lesser extent, a platform reset attack
  55. NC — NLVP 31337 — bash 1>&/dev/tcp/ 0>&1 —
  56. Reverse Shell
  57. Badge cloning — RFID reader hidden in his coat
  58. Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  59. echo >> /etc/hosts
  60. Karma Attack — variant of the evil twin attack.
  61. Nmap -A
  62. Nmap -sV
  63. Nmap -sT
  64. Nmap -Pn
  65. Nmap -O
  66. Nmap -sU
  67. Nmap -sS
  68. Nmap -T 1–5
  69. Nmap -P
  70. Kismet -Wireless Packet Sniffer
  71. BASE64 Encoding — Ends with = or == pads
  72. SET (Social Engineer Toolkit)
  73. BCP (Business Continuity Plan)
  74. Sticky MAC — Switch Port MAC Restriction
  75. MAC FLOODING — Force UNICAST flooding
  76. Writeable Services — Privilege Escalation
  77. XCCDF — SCAP Component Extensible Configuration CheckList Description Format
  78. Nessus — Popular Vulnerability Scanner
  79. SQL INJECTION (Error, Stacked, Union)
  80. Burp Suite
  81. Reflected XSS
  82. DOM Based XSS
  83. Parameterized Querys
  84. Mitre Att&ck Framework
  85. HTTP Payloads
  86. IDS — Detect Port Scannning
  87. Impacket Python
  88. curl -I I to tell curl to only fetch the HTTP headers (HEAD method)
  89. PCI DSS 3.2.1 - Perform internal penetration test at least annually, to comply.
  90. PCI DSS - Compliance ChekList
  91. PTES technical guidelines
  92. Baiting
  93. Cybersquatting
  94. MITRE ATT&CK framework
  95. TTL (Time To Live)
  96. Drozer
  97. OpenVas
  98. DNSSEC
  99. Fraggle
  100. Smurf



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